Need immediate assistance?
If you need immediate assistance, please contact United Way of Long Island’s free information and referral call center, 211 Long Island by dialing 2-1-1. Outside of Nassau or Suffolk Counties, dial 888-774-7633.
211 Long Island is a free, non-emergency information service that connects residents to available health and human resources in Nassau and Suffolk Counties.
You may also visit www.211LongIsland.org to search for local services and resources; it provides information on nearly 10,000 community resources – from basic daily needs such as food, heat and shelter to job training, financial services, counseling, health care and child and/or elder care.
General Inquires
United Way of Long Island
819 Grand Boulevard, Deer Park, NY 11729
Phone: 631.940.3700 Fax: 631.940.2551