United Way of Long Island advances the common good, creating opportunities for a better life for all by focusing on three key building blocks;
health, education and financial stability. It is our priority to create equity across Long Island by investing in partnerships, helping the most vulnerable
and at risk through organizations and programs that demonstrate raising the bar for fairness and equal access to services.
- 19,056 children participated in early learning programs (Birth – 5)
- 36,554 children and teens participated in educational enrichment programs and social development programs
- 8,054 teens participated in at risk youth, gang prevention programs
- 7,500+ students received school supplies through the Stuff-A-Bus Campaign
- 76 students received a United Way Dreams for Youth Scholarship
- 17,036,554 healthy meals were served by food pantries, home delivery and shelters
- 113,454 children, families and seniors accessed health related services including those for autism, home health care andpre-natal care
- 303,022 counseling sessions gave people experiencing mental health and/or addiction challenges someone to turn to
- 20,588 people were served by domestic violence programs
- 3,877 individuals received medical and supportive services through the Ryan White Part A/MAI program, managed by United Way of Long Island
- 6 United Way-supported housing projects were built to address the health needs of families
- $2 million in Earned Income Tax Credits (EITC) were returned to approximately 1,800 low-income earners
- 38,544 families participated in homelessness prevention, housing programs and financial counseling
- 7,312 people participated in career training programs
- 1,108 households received emergency heating assistance through Project Warmth
- 3,062 veterans received supportive and emergency financial services
- 132 young adults and veterans acquired career skills and credentials for better jobs by participating in YouthBuild, VetsBuild and Power Up Wind Solar and Renewables
- Assisted 138 residential tenants, leveraging $1 million in back-rent and utilities due to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Our Family Support Program provided homeless prevention services to 100 families through career training, financial counseling and support services
- Distributed nearly $530,000 in funding under the Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) to 1,060 households facing hard times
- 14,532 calls for help were answered by the 2-1-1 Long Island Call Center. The 2-1-1 Long Island website received 387,499 visits.
Data and statistics are from 2021/2022