United Way of Long Island advances the common good, creating opportunities for a better life for all by focusing on three key building blocks;
health, education and financial stability. It is our priority to create equity across Long Island by investing in partnerships, helping the most vulnerable
and at risk through organizations and programs that demonstrate raising the bar for fairness and equal access to services.
- 10,000 unemployed individuals were assisted through our Emergency Gift Card program
- 900 HEPA Air Purifiers were installed in the homes of seniors
- 7,500 PPE kits were distributed to Long Islanders containing masks, hand sanitizer and other essential items
- 2,000 gift cards were granted to families with newborns for baby essentials through Born United
- 5,000 meals and take home meal kits were distributed to frontline healthcare responders
- 10,000 seniors were helped through our Safe At Home for Seniors initiative by connecting seniors with critical resources, grocery shopping, transportation, financial counseling and more
- 22,640 children ages 0-5 enrolled in early childhood programs
- 4,046 children received literacy support in grades K-3
- 153 individuals received college enrichment scholarships through United Way’s DREAMS program
- 65,666 K-12 youth who participate in school and/or community based out-of-school time programs and/or receive individualized supports
- 18,351 youth received, internships job skills training and gained employment
- 30 YouthBuild students received Multi Core Curriculum certificates
- 48 YouthBuild students became OSHA Certified
- 28 YouthBuild students received their TASC Diplomas
- 26 YouthBuild students received Employment Placement
- 7 YouthBuild students received Internships
- 17 YouthBuild students received their Drivers Licenses
- 15 YouthBuild students have Learners Permits towards their Drivers Licenses
- 444,706 individuals who participated in physical activity and/or healthy food access/nutrition program
- 84,330 individuals with access to health care services and supports
- 44,311 individuals received prescription discounts through United Way’s FamilyWize program
Ryan White Part A and MAI combined
- 1,779 unduplicated clients
- 65,890 units of service
Ryan White Part A COVID Numbers of service for FOOD
- 633 clients using
- 3,951 units of service
- 2 Homes Completed
- 5 Homes In-Progress
- 7 New Projects In-Development
- 14,847 individuals received job skills training
- 309 veterans received help through United Way projects
- 1,200 families received heating emergency grants through United Way’s Project Warmth
- 16,907 calls for help were answered by the 2-1-1 Long Island Call Center. The 2-1-1 Long Island website received 294,152 visits.
Data and statistics are from January 2020 - April 2021