Many people want the same things as they get older: to stay in their own homes or “age in place,” to maintain independence for as long as possible, and to turn to family and friends for help when needed. But many older adults and their families have concerns about safety, getting around, or other daily activities. Living at home as you age requires careful consideration and planning. United Way of Long Island’s Safe at Home for Seniors program was established in 2020 to coordinate a broad range of health and social services to support older residents as they age in in place. The program incorporates the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s checklist for STEADI – Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths & Injuries model and assessment tools when making home visits.
Safe at Home provides short-term and long-term services - at no cost - to seniors:
- Community Navigation: Connect seniors with unmet needs to vital organizations and programs to meet their current challenges.
- Meals: Shopping for food and preparing nutritious meals.
- Safety: Home safety features to prevent slips and falls and minor home repairs.
- Transportation: Assistance getting around, such as rides to the doctor’s office.
- Financial Counseling: If needed, Navigators connect seniors with non-predatory financial counseling.
- Staying Connected Digitally: Navigators help seniors to better use technology and connect them to socials, book clubs, exercise, cooking, virtual trips, and family and friends.